Handling Saturdays and Sundays The treatment of Saturdays and Sundays differs depending on whether they are counted in units of days or in units of months/weeks. In the case of the daily wage system, if you work on Saturdays and Sundays, it will be included, but if you do not work, it will not be included. On the other hand, when thinking in units of weeks and months, the number of days in the calendar becomes the basic number of days, so even if you do not work on Saturdays and Sundays, it is included.
Treatment when absence deduction is applied When absence deduction is applied, the calculation method for weekly and monthly wages will change. Until now, the number of calendar days was used as the basic number of days for wage payment, but when the absence deduction is applied, the number of basic days for wage payn Cambodia phone number list Ament is calculated by subtracting the "number of days of absence" from the "prescribed number of working days" stipulated based on the rules of employment, etc. can be calculated. For example, if the number of prescribed working days is 22 and the number of days absent from work is 4, the number of basic days for wage payment will be.
The pattern that tends to occur here is that the number of days absent from work is subtracted from the number of calendar days. Keep in mind that the base number of days changes from calendar days to regular working days. 3-3. Treatment of part-time employees As with the daily wage system and the hourly wage system, the number of working days corresponds to the basic number of wage payment days for part-time employees. What is easy to make a mistake here is that the treatment when calculating the "standard monthly remuneration" mentioned in this article is different. Between April and June, if there are months with 17 or more payment base days.