The horizontal line, and is connected to relational and behavioral skills, as well as to the whole range of knowledge and experience, varied, that you own. Connected to this is the auction, the vertical line of hard skills, made up of specialist, "personal" skills acquired and certified by study and experience 11 . Back to index that the T profile is one of the many existing within the world of work . The most common of our times is the I-shaped one , and precisely because of the excessive importance given to the mechanisms of specialization which we have spoken about. The I profile, in fact, refers to those who have a good preparation in their sector but poor outside of it . Then we have the X profile , usually of managers, leaders and/or team leaders. They have executive ability.
Lead and motivate people and the work team, they are good at mobile number list strategy . And to this they integrate the specific skills they possess. And then, as we were saying, the T-Shapeds, with their ability to interconnect and interdepend, and which can evolve into curious combinations. Like the M-Shaped , with the two vertical bars to symbolize two specialized skills, or the Pi-shaped , with pi, which combines M and T. And again the Comb-shaped , or called comb-shaped, made up of several skills. Finally, the E-shaped , with specialist expertise and more transversal skills. In total 4 experiences (E), or "Expertise" the competence (vertical line), and then "Experience" experience, "Execution" execution, "Exploration" exploration (the 3 horizontal lines). Back to index Bibliography and sitography Gaito R., Because multidisciplinarity is an added value Lobenstine.
The Renaissance Soul: How to Make Your Passions Your Life - A Creative and Practical Guide , Experiment Llc, 2006. Sher B., Refuse to Choose! A Revolutionary Program for Doing Everything that You Love , Rodale Pr, 2007. Wapnick E., TEDxBend, Why Some of Us Don't Have One True Calling Wapnick E., How to Be Everything – A Guide for Those Who (Still) Don't Know What They Want to Be When They Grow Up , Harperone, 2017.High-performing eCommerce marketing strategies for 2023 Silvia Teodori.