The first thing that a music therapy professional does is carry out an initial assessment process , with the aim of knowing the potential and needs of the patient through musical responses in different areas: motor, cognitive, communication, social, emotional skills. , behavioral, sensory and musical”, they explain from FEAMT. Obviously, the role of the music therapist is key throughout the process, but it is especially important in this first evaluation.
It is about collecting a body of information that allows the professional to understand the client in order to make informed clinical decisions. In this way, it can contribute with complementary information to the diagnosis if it is integrated into a multi-professional team, in addition to planning the treatment”. The selection mobile number list of music To choose the music that best suits a patient, it is necessary to know their preferences . "The selection will depend to a great extent on the musical history of the patient, his sound biography and the meaning it has had in his life.
They point out from FEAMT, and add that it will also depend on "the characteristics of the musical elements themselves and the needs of the patient”. This is best understood with an example. "A patient with Parkinson's disease who needs to regulate the cadence of his step will use music with a regular rhythm that has a tempo that matches the rhythm that he can maintain and, if possible, that he can make his own by singing, both externally and externally. and internally", they continue from FEAMT.